Sunday, January 19, 2014

Fish and Chips

So today Shira, Morgan, and I decided to go to Speakers Corner. As I mentioned yesterday Speakers Corner is a area of Hyde Park where people go from 12:30 onward on Sunday's to talk about and debate anything they want to. And while this description is certainly true it ended up being very different than I expected. 

For staters Hyde Park is much bigger than I thought. We knew that Speakers Corner was on the opposite end of the park from us, but we didn't realize exactly how far that was. Anyway after walking for probably about 45 minutes we arrived at our designation. Upon our arrival we discovered that most of the people who come to speak are in fact preaching about the coming apocalypse. Needless to say I was less than interested in listening to them. After working our way through those who thought the world was about to end we stumbled upon the man pictured below. He was talking about Marxist theory and it's application and implementation in the modern world. I didn't agree with everything he said, but some of his points were really interesting. One thing he pointed out was that Communism can only exist in societies that have already experienced capitalism and and industrial revolution because they have a fully developed infrastructure already, something communism is incapable of developing.

We listened to the guy above talk for a little while before we had to go meet another girl named Sara (I don't now if she uses an "h" or not) at the Gloucester Arms, one of the local pubs. Sara's a big fan of the football team that was playing today (sorry I don't remember which one, big surprise). Anyway we would never have made it in time walking so we decided to take the Tube, and we made it a few minutes before kickoff.

Despite the fact that I'm not a big sports person it was kind of cool to watch a football game in an English pub, at least once anyway. Also I got to have fish and chips for the first time since I got here, and they were delicious. 

Also if anyone is planning to come to London at any point in time I highly recommend purchasing the booklet below. It's saved my ass several times, including today when we thought we got lost in Hyde Park.

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